【採択】学部2年生 後藤君の研究が国際会議 IEEE PerCom 2023 Work in Progress Sessionにacceptされました – ‘ 3D Spatial Sensing and Analysis Model of ClosedSpace CO2 Concentration’

【採択】学部2年生後藤君の研究が国際会議 IEEE PerCom 2023 Work in Progress Sessionにacceptされました – ‘ 3D Spatial Sensing and Analysis Model of ClosedSpace CO2 Concentration’


We propose a 3D CO2 concentration analyzing system to monitor the ventilation of the closed space. This system uses a 3D scan to lower the labor of creating a 3D model of the space. In this research, multiple CO2 sensors are used, and consider the model to map point CO2 concentration data to the spatial CO2 distribution. We experimented to check the accuracy of the model in the real bus space.