【採択】修士1年 富澤君の研究が国際会議 ACM The Web Conference 2024 Short Papers Sessionにacceptされました – ‘ FaST: Accelerating Web Front-end Data Binding with Compiler and Visible Anchor’

【採択】修士1年 富澤君の研究が国際会議 ACM The Web Conference 2024 Short Papers Sessionにacceptされました – ‘ FaST: Accelerating Web Front-end Data Binding with Compiler and Visible Anchor’


Data binding in web front-end development has made a significant contribution to removing complexity from development and simplifying programming. However, data binding has caused a degradation of website performance at the cost of reducing the burden on programmers. In this paper, we propose Visible Anchor to solve the performance degradation caused by data binding. We develop a compiler called FaST that implements the method. Then, We compared the rendering time among websites built by existing methods and FaST compiler. The evaluation result revealed that the websites built by FaST compiler are at minimum 2.9 times faster to be rendered than the ones built by the existing methods. FaST made a significant contribution to improving the performance of web front-end data binding. Consequently, data binding with FaST can be a better choice for web front-end development.