【発表】学部4年 高君らの研究がUbiComp/ISWC 2022併設ワークショップ WellComp 2022 にて発表されました – “Bodily Condition Estimation of Archery Learners Using Interoceptive Accuracy”

学部4年 高君らの研究がUbiComp/ISWC 2022併設ワークショップ WellComp 2022(https://wellcomp-workshop.github.io/2022/schedule.html) にて発表されました。


Previous studies have shown that not only player skill but also psychological factors contribute to improving archery scores. Therefore, in addition to improving learners’ posture, an archery learning support system is required to improve psychological coping skills, such as mental and physical condition management skills. This study propose a method for estimating the condition of archery learners in order to provide appropriate instruction in accordance with their condition. In previous studies of condition estimation, in- put data are usually objective while label data are usually subjective. Such bias between data is considered as a partial reason of estimation accuracy reduction. Judgments of conditions are subjective and individually different. Subjects’ emotion recognition abilities(ERA) are the individual differences in the judgment of emotions, a part of condition in our study. We utilized interoceptive accuracy to objectively evaluate subjects’ ERA. Based on archery movement data collected from 10 subjects, we compared the baseline method and the proposed method with the addition of objectively evaluated ERA. The results showed that the latter method, which took into account individual differences of ERA among subjects, estimated condition better than baseline method. We believe that proposed condition estimation method, which pays regard to users’ mental and physical condition, is not only useful in sports scenarios, but also necessary for supporting human well-bing based on better understanding of user context.